Courses at IIT Jodhpur:
Winter 2025: Cryptography
Trimester 1 (PGD AI): Data Structures and Algorithmic Techniques
Monsoon 2024: Security Engineering
Summer 2024: Algorithms for Big Data
Winter 2024: Cryptography (Google classroom code already shared with the class)
Monsoon 2023: (1) Introduction to Information Security (2) Linear Algebra for Big Data
Summer 2023: Algorithms for Big Data
Winter 2023: (1) Cryptography. Course page (2) Cyber Security.
Monsoon 2022: Data Structures and Algorithms. Course page (Google classroom code already shared with the class)
Winter 2022: Cryptography.
Monsoon 2021: (Join Google classroom with code given by the academic section)
CSL-2020: Data Structures and Algorithms.
CSN-2010: Introduction to Profession.
3rd Trimester 2020-21: CSL-7480: Cryptology (Join Google classroom with code given by the academic section)
2nd Trimester 2020-21: CSL-2020: Data Structures and Algorithms (on Google classroom)
Courses taught at IIT Ropar:
Monsoon 2020: CS-201: Data Structures and Algorithms (co-teaching with Dr. Puneet Goyal).
Winter 2020: CS-306: Theory of Computation Course page
Monsoon 2019: CS-523: Applied Cryptography Course page
Winter 2019: (1) CS-508: Foundations of CS (2) CS-525: Post-Quantum Cryptography
Monsoon 2018: CSL-523: Applied Cryptography
Winter 2018: CSL-608: Foundations of CS Course page
Monsoon 2017: CSL-201: Introduction to Programming: Course page
Courses taught at Ashoka University:
- Winter 2017: (1) Introduction to Programming: Course page (2) Discrete Mathematics: Course page
Courses taught at IIIT Delhi:
May 4, 2017: Received “IIIT-Delhi Teaching Excellence Award” for the academic year 2016-17 (this was the third time this award was given, and I received it the second time).
Monsoon 2016: CSE-546: Applied Cryptography
Winter 2016: (1) MTH-502: Elementary Number Theory, (2) MTH-303: Graph Theory
May 2, 2015: Received “IIIT-Delhi Teaching Excellence Award” for the academic year 2014-15 (this was the first time this award was given).
Monsoon 2015: (1) CSE-121: Discrete Mathematics, (2) CSE-546: Applied Cryptography
Monsoon 2014: (1) CSE-121: Discrete Mathematics, (2) CSE-546: Applied Cryptography
Winter 2014: CSE-401A: Competitive Programming (with Dr Srikanta Bedathur)
Monsoon 2013: (1) CSE-121: Discrete Mathematics, (2) CSE-546: Applied Cryptography
Winter 2013: MTH-502: Number Theory
Monsoon 2012: CSE-546: Applied Cryptology
Winter 2012: (1) CSE-524: Theory of Modern Cryptography (with Dr Debajyoti Bera) (2) CSE-793-A: Topics in Cryptanalysis
Monsoon 2011: (1) CSE-546: Applied Cryptology, (2) MTH-101: Maths-1 (Partially taught this course.)
Winter 2011: (1) CSE-546: Applied Cryptology, (2) MTH-101: Linear algebra and Advanced Calculus
Monsoon 2010: MTH-101: Linear algebra and Advanced Calculus